Kete Kesu is a tourist village in the Tana Toraja area that is known for traditional customs and community life that can be found in this region. Inside Kete Kesu there are ancient relics in the form of stone graves which are estimated to be over 500 years old.

In the stone tomb that resembles a boat or boat, the remains of human skulls and bones are stored. Almost all stone tombs are placed hanging on cliffs or caves. In addition, in several places also seen the magnificent graves of nobles who had died.

Kete Kesu Village is a cultural heritage area and the center of various Toraja traditional ceremonies which include traditional burials which are celebrated lively (Rambu Solo), the ceremony of entering new traditional houses (Rambu Tuka), as well as various other traditional rituals. In June - December, various ceremonies and traditional perayaat are generally carried out by people around this location.

Some customary tombs in Kete Kesu have been closed with metal bars to prevent the theft of traditional tana-tau (tau-tau) statues. Some bodies can be seen clearly from the outside along with the treasures buried in them. The traditional coffin (erong) in this village is not only shaped like a boat, but there are also buffaloes and pigs with sculptures or carvings that adorn.

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From the customs and beliefs of numbers of tribes around the world, we come to learn how their dead are honoured and buried in very different ways. It is no secret that the people of Toraja, namely the nobility, bury their dead loved ones & relatives in one of the most unique ways in the world! A series of very costly traditional costumes for burial ceremonies (Rambu Solo) and also cave tombs high in walls of the hills and cliffs can be seen here at Londa, Tana Toraja, in the province of South Sulawesi.