Kampung Naga is a village inhabited by a group of people who are very strong in holding the traditions of their ancestors, in this case Sundanese custom. Like Badui settlements, Kampung Naga was the object of anthropological studies on the life of the Sundanese rural people during the transition from the Hindu influence to the influence of Islam in West Java.

There is no historical clarity, when and who was the founder and what formed the background of the formation of a village with a strong culture. The residents of Naga village themselves call the history of their village the term 'Pareum Obor'. Pareum if translated in Indonesian, means dead or dark. And the torch itself means lighting or lights.

The location of Kampung Naga is not far from the highway that connects the city of Garut with the city of Tasikmalaya. This village is located in a fertile valley, with boundaries, in the West Kampung Naga is limited by sacred forests because in the forest there are ancestral tombs of the people of Kampung Naga.

Nearest Destination

Cangkuang Temple is a Hindu temple located in Kampung Pulo, in the village of Cangkuang, Leles District, Garut Regency, West Java Province. The location of Cangkuang Temple is quite unique because it is located on a small hilltop surrounded by a Situ or Lake namely Situ Cangkuang. In the Cangkuang Temple area, there is also an ancient stone tomb called by the surrounding community as the tomb of Embah Dalem Arief Muhammad, who is believed to be the founder of the area. Besides that, in the Kampung Pulo area there is also a cultural preserve in the form of a traditional settlement of the Kampung Pulo community which is still well preserved.