Rubiah Island known for by the name Sea Gardens has beautiful sea plants under the water. The island is located 100 m from the Iboih Island.

The Marine park areas on the Rubiah island are favored by foreign tourists who like to dive. Many guesthouse provide service to deliver tourists to Rubiah Island, but due to the proximity of the beach, Rubiah Island can be reached by swimming, but only if you are physically strong enough.

Rubiah Island was once a dormitory for pilgrims before departure to Mecca. However, nowadays it has become a tourist destination because it's beautiful marine park. This marine park is known as Rubiah Marine Park (Sea Garden of Rubiah). The extent of approximately 2,600 Ha.

Although uninhabited, Rubiah Island is daily visited by tourists, both local and foreign. Starting from merely playing on the beach, filling the stomach after a long day of snorkeling / diving, or just stopping by for the sake of exploring the island. There are many activities that tourists can do while traveling here, such as snorkeling, diving, or boating around with a glass boat.

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