Indonesian archipelago is consisted of more than 17,500 islands across the equator and located within the ring of fire. A home of multi ethnic and languages. The endless beauty of Indonesia is enhanced with a rich historical heritage and cultural diversity.
Explore thousands of hidden paradises scattered in 34 provinces, 556 cities, 51 national parks, hundreds of lakes and the world's most beautiful beaches. That makes Indonesia has the second longest coastline in the world (over 54,000 km) and that also make Indonesia is the world's 7th-largest country in terms of combined sea and land area.
Indonesia is part of Coral Triangle, which contains one of the richest marine biodiversity on earth (Wakatobi, Togean, and Raja Ampat). There is 8 (eight) places listed in World Heritage by UNESCO in Indonesia.
The Komodo dragon, found in Indonesia, is the largest lizard in the world, growing up to 3 meters (9.8 feet) in length. The world's largest flower, Rafflesia Arnoldii, weighs up to 7 kg (15 pounds) and only grows on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia and the most adorous flower on Earth, Amorphophallus Titanum, is found in Indonesia and can grow to an average height of two meters. And many more.
From East to West, Indonesia offer you a diversity of cultural and nature which will challenge you. We are Unity in Diversity.
We are Wonderful Indonesia.
Let's visit Indonesia!