The first thing to do for most people coming to Pulau Weh is to go to the Kilometer Nol (Km zero of Indonesia). The location of this place is approximately 30 kilometers from the center town of Sabang, or about 1 hour drive by road which is passing the protected tress.

There is an opinion that it is not complete to go to Sabang if you are not visiting monument Kilometer Nol of Indonesia. Sabang located in the west and Merauke in the eastern part of Indonesia are often echoed in many national ceremonies. Indeed both are used in the lyrics of the national anthem. The existence of this Monument has been a popular tourist attraction of Sabang.

Nearest Destination

All is silent as the wooden boat appears to be floating through the air, but in fact is slowly moving along the shallow waters of the Iboih Beach: the waters are so calm and crystal clear that it feels as if it is floating in the air. The beautiful and natural beaches at Iboih will surely change your perception of a boat coming in to dock at the pier. Pantai Iboih, also known as Teupin Layeu, is located opposite the west bank of the legendary Pulau Weh, or Weh island, in northern Aceh, Sumatra’s most northern province. When compared to a U-shaped horseshoe, Iboih lies left of the arch. Its geographical location facing the wide Indian Ocean signals openness for anyone to come or leave at any time, but the memories and experiences received here will not be forgotten soon. The town ...