Vihara Dewi Kwan Im is the largest and oldest monastery in the island of Belitung. This monastery is 266 years old. Vihara Dewi Kwan Im was first discovered in 1747.

To enter this temple, you have to climb the stairs totaling about 86 pieces. This monastery has three places of prayer, namely Shimunyo, Sitiyamuni, and Kon Im.

This temple also has a wonderful view of Burung Mandi Mountain is located just behind the temple.

Nearest Destination

Replica of Muhammadiyah Elementary school Laskar Pelangi Village is located in Hang subdistrict Lenggang East Belitung. From Airport Tanjung Pandan HAS Hanandjoeddin can be traveled with a journey time of 1 hour. Since the rise of the novel and the film Laskar Pelangi, to Belitung Island is increasing from year to year. Other positive effects that began to squirm and economic growth after the decline of tin mining community in Dublin. Muhammadiyah Elementary School Laskar Pelangi today is actually only a replica of Muhammadiyah elementary school, which has been renamed MTS Muhammadiyah is located not far from the current location. Something very interesting of Muhammadiyah elementary school rainbow irregulars are even movie Laskar Pelangi has been played in 2008, but Muhammadiyah elementary ...