Lake Tondano is the largest lake in North Sulawesi Province. The lake is flanked by the Lembean Mountains, Mount Kaweng, Bukit Tampusu, and Mount Masarang. This lake is circled by provincial roads and connects Tondano city, East Tondano District, Eris District, Kakas District, Remboken District, and South Tondano District. This lake is a lake that produces freshwater fish such as tilapia fish, pior / kabos, payangka wiko (small shrimp), fasting day (arowana), tawes, pongkor, bontayan, black lobster, guramekupu, carp.

The area of ​​this lake is 4,278ha, and there is a small island called Likri (in front of the village of Tandengan in the district of Eris) and the island of Papalembet as vast as toulum. On the shore of Lake Tondano, it is clear that Mount Kaweng. Historically, the lake is said to have occurred because of a tremendous eruption because there was a story of a different kind of human being who violated the prohibition of parents to marry (Minahasa language: kaweng) with desperation to run (tumingkas) in the forest. As a result of violating the advice of parents, the twin volcanoes of the volcano erupted and became Lake Tondano.

Lake Tondano has famous tourism objects such as 'Sumaru Endo' Remboken, Bukit Pinus Tourism Resort (Tondano direction Toliang Oki), and the two tasuka rats, the shores of Lake Tondano (Toliang Oki). Also, we can cross the summit of Lembean Hill and look at the beauty of the Maluku Sea ( on the east), and the Tondano beach area (Kombi Sub-district) and Minahasa Regency, Gondok kinakas.

Nearest Destination

The name Minahasa itself arose at the time the Minahasans fought against Bolaang Mangondow. Among the Minahasan heroes in these wars against Bolaang Mangondow are: Porong, Wenas, Dumanaw and Lengkong (in the war near Lilang village), Gerungan, Korengkeng, Walalangi (near Panasen, Tondano), Wungkar, Sayow, Lumi, and Worotikan (in the war along Amurang Bay).